Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Following Through

Recently, I've had to tackle on more than I wanted to and that has caused a great deal of over thinking and stress. It's not that I can't handle it, because I absolutely can! It's just that I get stressed when things aren't going as well as planned and it a larger amount of time than anticipated to get things done. That's when I get frustrated and just want to give up. This, along with other things, leads to my tendency to not finish things that I started, a trend that I want to stop immediately. That's why I have awoken my blog from it's slumber of 6 months. It's been half of a year since I've written anything! And it's not like I was done with my Europe what gives? Well this is me putting my foot down and trying to create a change in my mindset, because I firmly that people can change. So, the goal (uh-oh, time for the "new years"-like aspiration that will (hopefully not) inevitably fail) is to write something good that happened each day. Now, I won't be posting one each day because honestly that would be a waste of space for this blog, so it will be weekly. But I want to be able to have a list of good things that happened each day (as small or big as they are) for the week and then maybe a post of thoughts that I had, etc. We'll see how this goes! I'm going to aim for EITHER Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays, whichever day is the least busiest.

And so we start...

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